Yeah.. half-past six.
That seems to be the trend in a lot of news reporting and work ethics these days.
Not to mention the kind of copy in countless advertising material in print.
Each time I get those leaflets or drop-mails in my postbox, I get plenty of laughs.
Better still, I keep getting snail mail from Citibank addressed to persons who have moved out of this house for 9 years or more. And mind you, I dutifully marked each of them "return to sender" and also note down for them to read that there are no more such persons here. Yet they still send. Again and again.
Makes you wonder what sort of morons work in whatever department in that bank. But I suppose it's fine. They are paying the postage both ways.
Till the next posting~~!!
sabar la.......stupidity is not a natural thing....its man made........
chinese saying : "there's no cure for stupidity"..
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