Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Penang and the north... Part 5

On Tuesday afternoon after Little India, we went to the Peranakan House which had been renovated to its former glory.

(First instalment)

Just inside the entrance for visitors, at the main courtyard

The view upward at the open airwell

The intricate carvings at a doorway from inside an adjacent room

From the dining area

More carved panels

Another view

Looking at the upstairs balustrades

A dining area

The main dining area with table settings

From the other end of the table

Detail of a stained-glass window pane

The main staircase to the upper floor

It was quite exhausting exploring just the main areas downstairs

The steps of the staircase

A typical design on the underside of staircases of the era

One of the many ornate seats with mother-of-pearl inlays

More ornate furniture

A beautifully colour-etched mirror

Another huge etched mirror

Another furniture

Balustrades of the staircase.
We had to take off our shoes to go to the upper floor

General view of the open airwell from upstairs

Detail of the wrought-iron design

The central airwell gave a very spacious and bright atmosphere

Wide corridor spaces

A very old camera

View of the camera's back

There was a big room filled with display cases of exquisite glass objects

These are yellow glass ornaments and receptacles

Mostly pink and blush red ones

Regal-looking blue ones

Fluted glass vases

Another fluted glass vase in yellow

Glass and brass lamp for the table

A bedroom

A radiogram in the bedroom...

...complete with phonograph

Philips name went back decades for radio

I remember our family had something similar, and I used to play The Platters on 78rpm

The second instalment of Peranakan House will be posted soon. There are just too many images :)

Till the next posting~~!!

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