Friday, July 09, 2010

Onwards to Tepeng.... (part 3 : the lake - b)

More pictures of Taiping lake

...another view...

...the Bridge of Indecisions...

...edge of watery thoughts... ugly modern intrusion...

...taking a shot at what lies beyond... colonade of shadows...

...delving deeper into the park...

...within sight of another bridge...

...a far pavillion no doubt...

...crossing the Bridge of Sighs...

...the Bridge of Sighs...

...soothing shadows from the afternoon sun...

...and more beyond beckoned us forward...

...the reason why it's called Bridge of Sighs...

...and more blue skies to lead us on...

...a quick look at what's happening behind me...

..the park sign at the entrance said "No Fishing", yet...

...the path to inner mysteries...

...and shady deals in the hot sun...

...near the actual main entrance to the park...

...time for a short rest for tired backs...

...the Bridge of Rememberance...

...the Bridge of Uncertainty...

...the official main entrance's pathway...

...a single bloom amidst a decaying pool...

...the Bridge of Confusion...

...where a bloom awaits the patient visitor... make them even more confused...

More pictures at next update...

1 comment:

Kayelmiumiu said...

can hardly wait for the next installment.