Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Onwards to Tepeng.... (part 5 : Ipoh -b-)

This is the final part of this tepeng trip series.

We went to this temple after the coffee break earlier. It was one of 3 in a row which are frequented by most tourists to Ipoh.

I tend to think the outside garden was rather overdone, and some new buildings have been erected which obscured the original cliff face front.

The arch or gateway from inside view

I think these statues were being re-constructed

This the rear exit to the cave. The inside of the cave itself was too dark.

View to the rear garden

The free was frantic for attention... the captured was nonchalantly feeding

And you have to BUY the vegetable from a vendor at the main entrance to feed them

Am imposing but strangely vacant building within the compound

Not sure why a western-style statue is in an oriental temple premise

This tourist was obviously curious about that statue too

Close up of the statue

A montage of the many individual statues within the compound

A more detailed angle

A myriad of angles in the construction

Detail of a roofing beam

A trilogy of sorts

Lighting up for rememberance

Another trilogy

Detail of a wall in the front courtyard

A single bloom

Taking a break next to a more restful statue

A stone barge

Detail of the barge

Clearing the garden in perpetuity

We went to the clock tower later.

The stalls next to the tower were painfully empty

I like this facade

And this cat was curious of me

It may be old, but you can't say its not fit.. hehehee

Interesting pattern of a railing along a five-foot way

Ipoh does have a recreational garden of sorts...

It isn't nearly as nice or big as Taiping's, but its a welcome feature

Photoshop CS5 trying to remove that obstructing pillar... huhuhuhuu..

The last stop for us later that night was the railway station. It was empty since all the scheduled trains have departed earlier

We couldn't wait that long for the next one.

They had time to experiment though... and so did I

Not sure what settings I used, but certainly it wasn't correct... hahahaa

That's all for my trip north this time around. But it won't be the last. :)

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