Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Twinkle, twinkle no more....

It used to be "twinkle twinkle, little stars; how I wonder what you are.."
But like more and more things, over-commercialisation sets in.

Now we have glitter paper stars.
We have plastic ketupats.
There are fake eggs.
Even fake ikan bilis.
Fake green peas in big supermarkets.

And far too many people fake their orgasms.

Stars belong in the sky up above, however high.
And the moon will be there, whether we want to see it or not.

Have a blessed ramadhan.
Remember it's NOT about gluttony at the end of each day.
Or bling bling new things for raya day.

Those are just crap commercialisation.
But if you wish to join the BIG CRAPPY crowd out there and be happy... go ahead.

Till next posting~~!

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