Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Shadow play...

Once on a bright sunny morning...

 Zebra plant

Striated light

Venetian not so blind


Modified form

No name

Accordian light

Light at work

Shadow with no smile

Ribbed but not tickled

Ribbed II

Serrated welcome

Till the next posting~~!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Putrajaya Revisited....

Not quite Brideshead, but then they are both of separate space and time. I decided to let Putrajaya have another chance at being impressive.

Also, it was a good place as any for a friend to test out his new camera.

Pretty much under-utilised I think.. control tower for water sporting events

Not sure what they are building. Probably condos.

Some canoes basking on dry land

Certainly not "Stairways To Heaven"

The main supporting beam of a suspension-styled bridge

Close up of the suspension grids

One of the countless (often ghastly) designed street lamps

The main mosque

Pleasure boats by the mosque?

As far as the eye can see... but for what purpose, I wouldn't know

Not sure why they discharge water like so. It isn't a fountain anyway

I was only impressed with the floria show when I visited Putrajaya much earlier.
Enough said.

Till the next posting~~!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Aidil Fitri day...

These are some shots during hari raya at my brother's house.

My brother looking at a nephew-in-law's 550D

My cousin-in-law.

A niece with her youngest daughter.

I like this glass cookie container.

Edi with another niece. Shot in monochrome / sepia

Three different relatives' families. Or part thereof..

Me... or part thereof.... hehehee

Animated interrogation of some nephews by my sis-in-law.. hahaaha

Trying to freeze the water falling down the mini-fountain

Modern version of the lamp that is usually lit on aidil fitri nights

Kids usually play some sparklers. I was playing with a lighter since I'm no longer a kid.... 

The cookie container like a merry-go-round in motion. Actually my hand shook..

Some nephews.

Sis-in-law and a cousin

Mike playing with his lighter. That's why the rest of him was out of focus.. huhuhuuhu

Till the next posting~~!!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Selamat Aidil Fitri....

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri to one and all.

May there be no excesses and needless wants.

Forgive and try to forget.


Till the next posting !!

Monday, September 06, 2010

From bass to treble : which shall it be...?

The standard frequency range for judging sound quality is 20hz to 20khz. And that's what the Shure headphones (pic above) can achieve. My Klipsh speakers can only go down to 32hz, but it can throw some mean punches with the low C notes and flap the edges of your pants.

My new Shure SRH240 headphones goes lower, but without the blasting punch. It does however do much justice to the bass nuances clearly. Male voices (which are difficult to reproduce via speakers) are very clear and the high trebles are pretty well expressed without being too sibilant.

My only grouse is that since the headphones are the cup variety, it can get a bit warm around the ears, and I do tend to sweat a bit more there. But I solved it by covering the cup with a thin towel material which does not deaden the clarity of high notes.

I have been pleasantly surprised by many of the mp3's and audio CD's I have been listening to all these years when I use the Shure. I hear subtleties I've never heard before via my normal speakers. Now I have to re-equalise many of the mp3's with Adobe Audition so that they will sound even better via my Klipsch speakers.

Ah well.. more tasks to do from now on, I guess. And that's not counting the numerous recordings I've yet to do with the vinyls.. that is, IF I can get a decent 2nd hand turntable..

Till the next posting~~~!!

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Il pleut quite heavily that day...

Yeah it rained rather heavily some days ago in the afternoon.
It was such a welcomed relief from the hot and humid days.

But it seems to be back to hot days again, although the metrological department had said specifically it would be wet days from now till year end due to the "la nina" phenomena.

Do you believe them?

If you do, then you ought to believe I'm a virgin, more so than Madonna claims to be.

Till the next posting~~!!