Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Around the house... at FS's place

A couple of weeks ago, we went to FS house for a visit.
Since his house is filled from ceiling to floor with objects d'art and bric-a-bracs, I took the opportunity to try out his lansi lens..

A labuci ball. You can't play tennis with this

Possibly the only straight design in the place : his curtain

A very happy throw pillow

Fiery red planet...

The bowl is my world

Asian celestial music muse

The resident enfant terrible

Not the Boston tea-party for sure..

Newly corrected, amended, and augmented Phantom Of No Opera

Sometimes Like Butterlfy (Donna Summers)

The coffee was consumed rather quickly..

Wayang Kulit in the late afternoon

The wayang kulit lampshade

One of the numerous receptacles strewn about

Contained baobab

Once upon a time there was tea

The terror comes alive

Lighting the peace

Gossips galore

Mine... mine... all mine...

This is what it was..

Thinly-veiled secrets

Barely disguised secrets

Recalcitrant tete-a-tete

General view of his living area

Metallic vines

Closer inspection of the vine

By the window

Oracle of the entrance

Go on... shooo... don't kacau me... I wanna sleep

Till the next posting~~!!

1 comment:

i'm shin... i'm inesen said...

uuhhh umah pakcik FS... seronoknyaaa.. nk gi lagi! nk! nk!