Saturday, July 17, 2010

Flower power or thereof.... part 4 : after-thoughts

I wanted to include these pictures earlier, but I missed them out. So here they are..

Forgot the name of this common bloom..

Ermmm.. I have amnesia again.

They start so young these days..

A bonsai decoration

We wanna break free....

Faint-hearted but strong-willed

Leering its tongue at the visitors

A tower flower

Nature's carpet

Paved with blooms

Another variety of heliconia?

It could get a bit lonely at times even for flowers

Come fill my cup...

For the fat and lazy folks..

The fit ones are on their feet

Like I said at the beginning, they seem to like yellow

Urban flowers... living in apartment blocks

Reminder of FIFA gone away finally

Very common.. yet very, very effective...

That's all folks for the flower show. Hope to see you next year


i'm shin... i'm inesen said...

shin suka bunga yg last tu.. shin x tau apa nama bunga tu.. tapi jiran sebelah umah parent shin ada pokok tu.. shin dah banyak kali suh mak mintak benih dia... hehehe tp mak cakap la.. pokok tu jenis pokok orang dulu dulu.. naper nak tanam?? hmm ntah shin suka.. tiap kali nampak bunga tu teringat masa kecik kecik dok umah tok...

cityZS said...

mungkin nama bunga biru merdu... ataupun biru rindu..
